Painting the Landscape in Acrylic

Painting the Landscape in Acrylic
Registration Begins
4/18/2023 1:00 AM
Last Day To Register
8/31/2023 11:55 PM
3330 Atwood Ave
Madison, WI 53704, US
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The last date for registration has passed.

Fast-drying, low-odor acrylic is a versatile painting medium! The focus of this workshop will be on learning to mix colors and basic painting techniques for capturing the beauty of the landscape in acrylic. Several short, useful exercises will help you understand paint-handling and basic color theory before you begin a landscape painting from your own photographic references. Some materials will be provided; see supply list for other materials. This workshop is appropriate for all levels. Bring a bag lunch each day.

Instructor: Kay Brathol-Hostvet, Brathol-Hostvet Studio

Ages 18 and up (Adult)

This class will be held at Olbrich Botanical Gardens on Saturday & Sunday, Sept 9-10, 10:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

We are currently following local public health guidelines, so masks/face covers are not required at this time.

A note from your instructor:

Fast-drying, low-odor acrylic is a versatile painting medium! The focus of this workshop will be on learning to mix colors and learn basic painting techniques through practice exercises, leading to a final landscape project based on your own reference photos.

            I will be providing the practice papers and will have small drawing boards and tripod easels on hand for your use. If you have trouble getting any of the materials in the supply list or have any questions, please contact me (kaybratholhostvet@gmail.com). Art supply stores carry all of these items, or if you have time you can order online from Blick Art Materials or Jerry's Artarama. I recommend Golden and Liquitex heavy-body paints, but any brand will do. You may buy the less expensive student-grade acrylics to start with (like Liquitex Basics) or the synthetic variations (hues) but be aware that your results will be less satisfactory than using artist-grade paints. I may have some materials on hand to sell at my cost if you need to restock or add to your supplies.

            Dress in your grubbies or bring a smock—you may get messy and acrylic doesn’t wash out of clothes. Looking forward to two colorful, creative days with you!  Please bring a bag lunch each day.   


___Acrylic paints, 2 oz artist-grade tubes recommended (not craft-type liquids or fluids) in these 7 basic colors (pigment numbers listed):

            1) Titanium White (PW 6)

            2) Quinachridone Red (PV 19)

            3) Ultramarine Blue (PB 29)

            4) Dioxazine Purple (PV 23)

            5) Cadmium Yellow Light (PY 35)

            6) Mars Black OR Ivory Black (either is fine)

___Liquitex Acrylic Gloss Medium OR Golden Acrylic Medium (gloss)

___Masking tape, ordinary beige

___2 Water containers (coffee can, ice cream bucket, etc.—at least a quart size—gallon is better)

___Rags and paper towels

___Palette mixing knife or small cheap putty knife-metal or plastic

___Palette at least 12” x 15.” (bigger is better) NOTE: I highly recommend buying a glass cutting board (not Plexiglas or acrylic) or a glass palette. Glass cutting boards are sometimes available at hardware and discount department stores as well as on Amazon. Dick Blick now carries glass palettes; get the white or gray option. Or you may use a “stay-wet” style palette box made for acrylics. Traditional wood or plastic palettes do not work with acrylics.

___5 Long-handled artist brushes (synthetic nylon bristle brushes meant for acrylics are best, hog bristle is acceptable; not soft sable watercolor types):

            #4 or 6 Round

            #4 or 6 AND 8 or 10 AND 12 Flat  (Note: Sizes vary between brands; get one each about ¼”, ½”        and 1” wide)

            1½”-2 ½” wide inexpensive natural bristle brush (available in hardware stores for about $1)

___Spray/misting water bottle (old hairspray bottle works great)

___1-2 Medium-size pre-stretched, primed canvas (not canvas board): 12 x 16, 14 x 18, 16 x 20

___Sketchbook or blank paper and a pencil for planning and note taking

___Assorted landscape photographs for final painting project (please don’t bring copyrighted materials like greeting cards, calendars, art prints, etc). I will bring my collection in case you need help.



___Your own standing or table-top easel (there will be tripod table easels in the studio)

___An extra canvas or two

___Larger assortment of brushes, especially larger size flats, filberts, or brights

___More colors of acrylics*** Listed in order of importance (If you can afford more than the minimum required, get some of these, as well): Phthalo Blue—green shade, Cadmium Red Medium, Burnt Umber, Yellow Ochre, Hookers Green, Burnt Sienna, Indian Yellow, Alizarin Crimson, Permanent Green, Cadmium Orange, Phthalo Green, Prussian Blue, Quinacridone Gold, Cerulean Blue.

___Shallow pan (old square cake pan, bread pan, pie tin) for keeping brushes wet while working

___Razor blade scraper (retractable blade used for scraping windows, etc)

___Small, lidded containers for leftover paint

___Vinyl or Latex gloves

___Ordinary cellulose sponge (kitchen sponge)


$250.00 per Participant

Olbrich Botanical Gardens
3330 Atwood Avenue
Madison, WI 53704


Olbrich Botanical Gardens
3330 Atwood Avenue
Madison, WI 53704
